Thursday, 29 January 2015

Our Services at MarBal

MarBal is a enterprise made up of three distinct entities, yet I believe they are related. They are extremely different yet they are so alike. I know what's on your mind now, how can they be so different but yet alike? Let's use a set of identical twins as an example, they look very much alike but you can still tell them apart. The same way you know Adaora from Adanma or Taiwo from Kehinde and can tell them apart because of their personalities and attributes. I think this same scenario applies to MarBal.

Enough of that story for now..

So what exactly do we offer:

☆☆☆ Exquisite gift wrapping and presentation.

☆☆☆ Unique gift items and souvenirs for all occasions: parties, corporate,  business and so on.

☆☆☆ Sale of home products and home decorations.

☆☆☆ Interior (Home) design and decorating service (home makeovers)

☆☆☆DIY interior (Home) design tips and projects.

☆☆☆ News and Trends from the interior design world.

☆☆☆ Closet remodeling and organization.

☆☆☆ Health tips, best drug and food-use advice.

Presently, these are the services we offer. There will be projects under each of the three categories and it's in your best interest to join the train now.

We look forward to serving you.


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